
Arachnia's Web



Beings of False Light



Beings of Light have been recorded throughout human history. They are usually associated with the Sun, Love, Divinity, and Knowledge. These traits, which many consider only belonging to the Light, are ingrained in our culture as desirable outcomes in our lives both here and in the hereafter.

In a world that is full of hatred and desolation, it is sometimes hard to continue without feeling there must be a purpose to life. The world can seem bleak and lonely, and many people silently slip into despair. Unfortunately, this is quite common. This is why I am writing about Beings of False Light – They convince you that only They are ultimately in control and can grant favors, leading a person to believe enlightenment is only through Them. This can be quite dangerous when you consider it promotes closed and concrete thinking, instead of being open to new ideas and information.

I am going to define these beings of False Light as any entity that uses deception to further their own agenda while putting their target at risk. These may actually be Light or Dark beings. The feeling and assignment of energy type has no moral attachment. It is this belief, that everything has a sense of morality as you personally view the world, that is used to manipulate a person.

There are many different reasons that an entity may appear to be a “Light being”. The most common reasons for deception, I have found, is for power and to feed off a person’s energy. Sometimes they appear to influence a person into manifesting another’s desire on the entity’s behalf in order to prove a point to a different practitioner. I have had the latter done to and for me. Influence and manipulation are a great tool for many beings’ agendas.

I’m not going to name any beings that have recently seemed to appear, more often than usual, as beings of Light – but aren’t. I decided that detailing a few truths and critical thinking techniques will help you determine this yourself.

The first time I encountered one of these being that greatly influenced my way of thinking was in 2015. I was studying mainly with Samael and Lucifer at the time. Though They are not fond of each other, They would work with me as a team, usually at different times. I was being groomed to open up publicly at about what I do, and possibly start a coven. I was still very concerned at the time that I was not doing the right thing for my spiritual path, or even in my personal life. I wasn’t convinced my anger was necessary, or my grief was justified. I felt lost, and questioned even the loyalty of the beings who showed me nothing but support during my darkest times.

One evening Samael told me that he wanted me to meet someone. I was, at the time, learning to trust myself and I was trying to trust Him. I agreed, and He had me go into a trance. What appeared before me was a bright sphere radiating out rays of light. I felt awe, terrified, and what I thought was unconditional love. It was overwhelming.

I nicknamed this being Mr. White. What it was I don’t know, even to this day. It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever met. I listened to what it had to say to me. It claimed it could set me free, and correct my path to the True Way. It claimed to be the Source and the All – the One True God. It said I was being led astray by some of the beings that I had pacts with and had let into my life. Mr. White preyed on my fear and doubt. It convinced me that what I was doing was wrong, and if I returned to the Light then It would guide me – and all would be right in my world.

I asked It to release me from any pacts where I was being deliberately led astray and from any beings that were effecting my True Path. I made sure to add that those that fell within these parameters could not contact me again. The only two beings that didn’t leave immediately were Lucifer and Samael; one my spiritual teacher, the other my spiritual guide. I disassembled all my altars and threw out thousands of dollars of jewelry, altar pieces, gifts to my Guardians, and most items that had to do with current path I was on. It hurt me, but I did it because I was in fear of my soul and how my spiritual practices were effecting my family.

An interesting thing started to happened. I had a glow to my face. I did start attracting more people that considered themselves Lightworkers. My life didn’t change at all, but I felt better about it. Sounds great, right? From my other articles you know that some beings feed off love, ecstasy, and devotion. I soon found out Mr. White was no exception when it came to feeding off positive emotions.

Soon after, my grandmother started to have complications so I went to the hospital to be with her. One of my Guardians, who was a Watcher, showed up. He was very business like and insisted that he was going in with me. I told him that he was banished, and I didn’t understand why he was able to show up. He asked me, “Do you think even the gods could keep me away from you?”

I saw another Guardian that I also assumed was banished, reluctantly showed up immediately after the Watcher’s words were spoken. She was very angry and felt that I had forsaken Her, but said she wasn’t leaving either. I didn’t understand how this was possible at the time. It never occurred to me that they did not meet the guidelines for banishment I had set. I thought They were just being stubborn.

It took me a few more weeks, but I finally caught on that the being Samael introduced to me was not a being of Light, and certainly not Love. Mr. White was used to test my convictions, my Will, and my loyalty. The reason my Guardians were still ‘allowed’ to come in times of need is because They couldn’t be banished – They didn’t even meet the parameters of the release. They left to prove a point – that I needed to learn who was really on my side and dig deeper to find my True Self. It was a relief when I realized this, as I knew They proved Themselves to be loyal and have my best interests in mind.

This lesson, while embarrassing, has been very valuable to me. I have been able to observe and create boundaries based on this experience, and the experience of others who have had the same problem. In fact, some of these people I was able to help them get back their agency so they could say, “No, more. I am not your puppet.”

I decided to list the top three warning signs that you may be dealing with a Being of False Light, even though I originally wrote pages of warning signs. I wanted this to be brief, and I also think it’s important to learn how to trust your own intuition and instincts.

How to Identify Beings of False Light

These are three ways to identify that you are being fooled into believing something is Light and has your best interests, when it really does not. My personal advice for when this happens would be to find a way to politely disengage, but become aggressive if it doesn’t leave. Most of these False Light beings are not even deities, so you can call on a deity of choice to help get rid of them. I prefer Anubis, Michael, or Samael depending on what I am banishing.

  1. Claiming to be The Source. This is probably the most telling of signs that you are dealing with a being of False Light. I’m going to tell you a secret, but one that I think is important to reveal publicly – if there is a True Source, it’s so far removed that even the gods above the gods, above the gods don’t know where It truly resides or what It really is. Our dimension is relatively young, and we are nowhere near where a Source would be. If you believe it to be like light, which generally travels in one direction if not interrupted, then it would have a starting point, which we are no where near. It is closer to think of It like the Big Bang  – everything is expanding from that source. These so-called Light beings usually claim to be the All, the Divine, the One Creator, The Ineffable, etc. These beings are trying to make you feel insignificant without Them. They are using shock and awe to turn your own biases of Light and Dark against you. It is nice to have a clean, simple explanation for everything, but life is complicated. If anything tells you it knows everything, created everything, or can cure everything, then immediately banish it.
  2. Wish Giver. Many entities, deities or not, like to appear as if they are benign or benevolent. If you look on this plane, and know about the different dimensions, you know that an exchange for anything being done is a general rule. So, anything that is trying to convince you that they are doing something extravagant out of the kindness of their heart, isn’t telling you the whole truth. They may promise wealth, love, a successful career, or even a new car. They claim it is a gift. Usually after the ‘love bombing’ the person effected becomes very devoted to the entity, even claiming that it is the only entity that truly can ‘get things done’. What is interesting is that this usually doesn’t last, but the person is convinced that it is something else – even other practitioners – stopping the ‘blessings’. I see this especially in those that have asked for power of some kind. The power eventually dwindles and leaves the person paranoid. This is why when something is given, or offered, I will make a direct exchange at the time so I don’t owe anything to the entity. Alternatively, I will decline the offer. This is because they can come and collect payment, whether you agreed to it or not, if you accept their gifts. The best advice is to live by the rule that nothing is free.
  3. Vagueness. You may notice that many accounts with so-called Light beings are quite vague in both description and sometimes even titles. This is a misdirection, usually feeding off a person’s presumptions – and it is quite effective. You remember when I described Mr. White as being a bright orb radiating rays of Light? That is a vague appearance. These beings of False Light will ‘blind’ by appearing as pillars of light, orbs, humanoid shapes (sometimes with wings) that are ‘pure light’, and even as light itself filling up a room. This is a cloak to hide their true intent and features. Any being that is interested in building trust, will be dampen their “light aura” and allow you to see detailed features. If they are trying to deceive you, they will refuse to become more detailed. Some of them even flair up and become brighter. They may tell you that you can not understand what they are, or it would destroy your mortal body if they show you. If they were truly powerful, they could appear to you however they want – or however you would be able to understand them the best. If it was truly powerful, or a creator, it would understand how to best communicate with you in a way that builds trust, too. The same misdirection goes for titles like Satan, Gatekeeper, Yahweh, Director, Commander, the All, Mother/Father, etc. In the latter situation, you can ask entities you trust if they can determine titles from names, too.

As with all beings, including humans, it is best to exercise caution and boundaries. Critical thinking and common sense come into play during spirit communication.

Ask yourself these questions when dealing with ANY being:

  • Is a specific name given? If so, do all the accounts with the name (if there are any) match what is being told?
  • Is the being really all powerful? Can it instantly make anything happen? Alternatively, if it is all powerful then why is the world not perfect according to every living person?
  • Can the being make themselves known to you without infantilizing or insulting you for asking?
  • Essentially, what limitations does this being put on itself? If it was all powerful it would be able to do anything you ask, and not redirect your attention elsewhere.

Remember that it is you who have power over yourself, no matter the situation. You have the ability to decide what you wish to do with the situations presented, not some godly presence. Any being who tries to take away your free agency, and wants you to submit to them, is not interested in your growth but your servitude to them.

Stay strong and keep growing.

-Arachnia Stoneskull

Photo Credit: Seeking Credit

Dreamland: The Playground of the Subconscious



Have you ever had a dream of falling? Maybe you dream of places that you eventually visit? Maybe even sex dreams?

These are common dreams, but for the magick practitioner even common dreams can help one understand their psyche; dreams may even prophesy of what is, or will come into being. Dreams are a tool that can be mysterious, full of metaphors and deeply hidden desires, or fears. For some people, it comes naturally to remember and control dreams, while others it takes practice and perseverance. The ability to control your actions and thoughts in dreams is known as lucid dreaming. Learning to lucid dream will help you realize you are dreaming, and gives you the ability to control your choices.

A practitioner can do many things while lucid dreaming; you can retrieve information, work with your Shadow by understanding your desires and fears, and make choices when a dream becomes intense — some practitioners can even walk the dreams of others.

Here are a few simple things you can accomplish with normal and lucid dreaming:

  1. Shadow Work: By writing down your dreams, keeping a journal, and self examination, you will be able to discover more about yourself and situations (both current and past). The subconscious likes to play, and the playground it presents can be harnessed for self discovery and growth.
  2. Messages: Sometimes other beings, or friends, come to us and give us a word, idea, or straight forward message. Keep a journal by your bedside, and immediately write it down. I have lost many important messages and memories from dreams, because I thought I could go back to sleep and remember them when I woke up again. It’s an important lesson – write everything down.
  3. Dreamwork: This entails setting an intention before sleeping, and repeating the intention as you fall asleep. If you can, try to stay awake as you enter the dreamy trance state, repeating your intention before you lose complete control. The idea is to become aware you are dreaming and be in control of your thoughts and actions; this allows you to accomplish magickal workings while dreaming.

For those that dreamwalk, we know there can be dangers attached to what we do. Of course, this goes for any magickal workings. There are other practitioners out there that know what they are doing, too, and can either send back what is done in dreams, or walk into your dreamland to spell you. I am not saying this to bring fear in your life, but to remind you to consider your actions before doing any work for another person, positive or negative according to your own ethics.

There are unethical practitioners that will do anything to get what they want – even stealing other people’s magick, or having unsolicited sex with others through dreams. I know several practitioners that have had forced, unsolicited sex in dreams by other practitioners. Usually the offending party will admit and brag about it. Some people don’t believe it is rape if it didn’t happen on the physical plane – anything done without the consent of both participants is rape on any plane. I have also known shamans that walk in, rearrange your dreams, in order to change your personality and lifestyle. I have seen this done enough to know it’s not just a coincidence, but possible.

This is why I am going to teach you a safeguard. This will ward off most practitioners and entities (as some practitioners with no skill in dreamwalking will send something into your dreams instead).


Slam the Doors

This is a simple technique that was suggested by one of my mentors, RK, and it works. Like all shamanistic work, it takes solid visualization. This is a simple “Door Slam” to keep out those you don’t want in your personal dreams.

  1. Get comfortable, lying down is acceptable, and close your eyes. (You may draw a circle for protection before this step, if you normally have a circle during ritual.)
  2. Take four deep meditative breaths.
  3. Call on your guides and guardians to follow you. You will need them for step 7.
  4. Count from one to ten, starting from darkness, slowly allowing a room to appear.
  5. Visualize yourself completely in a room with doors; they may look like portals or mirrors, not only doors. Do not proceed until you are grounded in the room fully, and can use all your senses.
  6. Go to each door, using all your senses to make it ‘solid’ in your mind. Shut all the doors that are open.
  7. Next proceed to see what is trapped in your room. Throw anything and everything that isn’t a guide/guardian out of a shut door that you have designated to lead outside of your Inner and Dream worlds; one that is connected to the astral/otherworlds, but none of your personal worlds. You can utilize your guides, especially the guardian types, in this step. Ask them to remove any and all entities, thought forms, people, and signatures that you did not place there purposefully. They will take out the ‘trash’. Remember to make sure all doors are shut after your ‘room’ is cleaned out. You can dismiss your guides, by having them ‘wait’ outside the room, if you wish, before the next step.
  8. Now imagine a lock or sigil that will be used to as ‘gatekeeper’ for each individual door. After establishing a ‘lock’, add a password to the lock. The password may be a word, a phrase, a feeling, or it can be your signature energy – use your imagination. You can also have separate passwords for visitors and guides, with your personal password being the ‘Master Key’.
  9. Now that your room is sealed, check the doors, locks, and passwords one more time to make sure they are solidly in place, shutting out anything unwanted. When you are ready, count back from ten to one, and open your eyes.
  10. Remember to thank your guides and guardians, and leave them an offering for their services. If you put up a circle, also take down the circle at this time.

After doing this visualization you can rest easier knowing that you are safer when dreaming. Pleasant dreams.


“Dreaming in Color” by Josephine Wall

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