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Beings of False Light



Beings of Light have been recorded throughout human history. They are usually associated with the Sun, Love, Divinity, and Knowledge. These traits, which many consider only belonging to the Light, are ingrained in our culture as desirable outcomes in our lives both here and in the hereafter.

In a world that is full of hatred and desolation, it is sometimes hard to continue without feeling there must be a purpose to life. The world can seem bleak and lonely, and many people silently slip into despair. Unfortunately, this is quite common. This is why I am writing about Beings of False Light – They convince you that only They are ultimately in control and can grant favors, leading a person to believe enlightenment is only through Them. This can be quite dangerous when you consider it promotes closed and concrete thinking, instead of being open to new ideas and information.

I am going to define these beings of False Light as any entity that uses deception to further their own agenda while putting their target at risk. These may actually be Light or Dark beings. The feeling and assignment of energy type has no moral attachment. It is this belief, that everything has a sense of morality as you personally view the world, that is used to manipulate a person.

There are many different reasons that an entity may appear to be a “Light being”. The most common reasons for deception, I have found, is for power and to feed off a person’s energy. Sometimes they appear to influence a person into manifesting another’s desire on the entity’s behalf in order to prove a point to a different practitioner. I have had the latter done to and for me. Influence and manipulation are a great tool for many beings’ agendas.

I’m not going to name any beings that have recently seemed to appear, more often than usual, as beings of Light – but aren’t. I decided that detailing a few truths and critical thinking techniques will help you determine this yourself.

The first time I encountered one of these being that greatly influenced my way of thinking was in 2015. I was studying mainly with Samael and Lucifer at the time. Though They are not fond of each other, They would work with me as a team, usually at different times. I was being groomed to open up publicly at about what I do, and possibly start a coven. I was still very concerned at the time that I was not doing the right thing for my spiritual path, or even in my personal life. I wasn’t convinced my anger was necessary, or my grief was justified. I felt lost, and questioned even the loyalty of the beings who showed me nothing but support during my darkest times.

One evening Samael told me that he wanted me to meet someone. I was, at the time, learning to trust myself and I was trying to trust Him. I agreed, and He had me go into a trance. What appeared before me was a bright sphere radiating out rays of light. I felt awe, terrified, and what I thought was unconditional love. It was overwhelming.

I nicknamed this being Mr. White. What it was I don’t know, even to this day. It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever met. I listened to what it had to say to me. It claimed it could set me free, and correct my path to the True Way. It claimed to be the Source and the All – the One True God. It said I was being led astray by some of the beings that I had pacts with and had let into my life. Mr. White preyed on my fear and doubt. It convinced me that what I was doing was wrong, and if I returned to the Light then It would guide me – and all would be right in my world.

I asked It to release me from any pacts where I was being deliberately led astray and from any beings that were effecting my True Path. I made sure to add that those that fell within these parameters could not contact me again. The only two beings that didn’t leave immediately were Lucifer and Samael; one my spiritual teacher, the other my spiritual guide. I disassembled all my altars and threw out thousands of dollars of jewelry, altar pieces, gifts to my Guardians, and most items that had to do with current path I was on. It hurt me, but I did it because I was in fear of my soul and how my spiritual practices were effecting my family.

An interesting thing started to happened. I had a glow to my face. I did start attracting more people that considered themselves Lightworkers. My life didn’t change at all, but I felt better about it. Sounds great, right? From my other articles you know that some beings feed off love, ecstasy, and devotion. I soon found out Mr. White was no exception when it came to feeding off positive emotions.

Soon after, my grandmother started to have complications so I went to the hospital to be with her. One of my Guardians, who was a Watcher, showed up. He was very business like and insisted that he was going in with me. I told him that he was banished, and I didn’t understand why he was able to show up. He asked me, “Do you think even the gods could keep me away from you?”

I saw another Guardian that I also assumed was banished, reluctantly showed up immediately after the Watcher’s words were spoken. She was very angry and felt that I had forsaken Her, but said she wasn’t leaving either. I didn’t understand how this was possible at the time. It never occurred to me that they did not meet the guidelines for banishment I had set. I thought They were just being stubborn.

It took me a few more weeks, but I finally caught on that the being Samael introduced to me was not a being of Light, and certainly not Love. Mr. White was used to test my convictions, my Will, and my loyalty. The reason my Guardians were still ‘allowed’ to come in times of need is because They couldn’t be banished – They didn’t even meet the parameters of the release. They left to prove a point – that I needed to learn who was really on my side and dig deeper to find my True Self. It was a relief when I realized this, as I knew They proved Themselves to be loyal and have my best interests in mind.

This lesson, while embarrassing, has been very valuable to me. I have been able to observe and create boundaries based on this experience, and the experience of others who have had the same problem. In fact, some of these people I was able to help them get back their agency so they could say, “No, more. I am not your puppet.”

I decided to list the top three warning signs that you may be dealing with a Being of False Light, even though I originally wrote pages of warning signs. I wanted this to be brief, and I also think it’s important to learn how to trust your own intuition and instincts.

How to Identify Beings of False Light

These are three ways to identify that you are being fooled into believing something is Light and has your best interests, when it really does not. My personal advice for when this happens would be to find a way to politely disengage, but become aggressive if it doesn’t leave. Most of these False Light beings are not even deities, so you can call on a deity of choice to help get rid of them. I prefer Anubis, Michael, or Samael depending on what I am banishing.

  1. Claiming to be The Source. This is probably the most telling of signs that you are dealing with a being of False Light. I’m going to tell you a secret, but one that I think is important to reveal publicly – if there is a True Source, it’s so far removed that even the gods above the gods, above the gods don’t know where It truly resides or what It really is. Our dimension is relatively young, and we are nowhere near where a Source would be. If you believe it to be like light, which generally travels in one direction if not interrupted, then it would have a starting point, which we are no where near. It is closer to think of It like the Big Bang  – everything is expanding from that source. These so-called Light beings usually claim to be the All, the Divine, the One Creator, The Ineffable, etc. These beings are trying to make you feel insignificant without Them. They are using shock and awe to turn your own biases of Light and Dark against you. It is nice to have a clean, simple explanation for everything, but life is complicated. If anything tells you it knows everything, created everything, or can cure everything, then immediately banish it.
  2. Wish Giver. Many entities, deities or not, like to appear as if they are benign or benevolent. If you look on this plane, and know about the different dimensions, you know that an exchange for anything being done is a general rule. So, anything that is trying to convince you that they are doing something extravagant out of the kindness of their heart, isn’t telling you the whole truth. They may promise wealth, love, a successful career, or even a new car. They claim it is a gift. Usually after the ‘love bombing’ the person effected becomes very devoted to the entity, even claiming that it is the only entity that truly can ‘get things done’. What is interesting is that this usually doesn’t last, but the person is convinced that it is something else – even other practitioners – stopping the ‘blessings’. I see this especially in those that have asked for power of some kind. The power eventually dwindles and leaves the person paranoid. This is why when something is given, or offered, I will make a direct exchange at the time so I don’t owe anything to the entity. Alternatively, I will decline the offer. This is because they can come and collect payment, whether you agreed to it or not, if you accept their gifts. The best advice is to live by the rule that nothing is free.
  3. Vagueness. You may notice that many accounts with so-called Light beings are quite vague in both description and sometimes even titles. This is a misdirection, usually feeding off a person’s presumptions – and it is quite effective. You remember when I described Mr. White as being a bright orb radiating rays of Light? That is a vague appearance. These beings of False Light will ‘blind’ by appearing as pillars of light, orbs, humanoid shapes (sometimes with wings) that are ‘pure light’, and even as light itself filling up a room. This is a cloak to hide their true intent and features. Any being that is interested in building trust, will be dampen their “light aura” and allow you to see detailed features. If they are trying to deceive you, they will refuse to become more detailed. Some of them even flair up and become brighter. They may tell you that you can not understand what they are, or it would destroy your mortal body if they show you. If they were truly powerful, they could appear to you however they want – or however you would be able to understand them the best. If it was truly powerful, or a creator, it would understand how to best communicate with you in a way that builds trust, too. The same misdirection goes for titles like Satan, Gatekeeper, Yahweh, Director, Commander, the All, Mother/Father, etc. In the latter situation, you can ask entities you trust if they can determine titles from names, too.

As with all beings, including humans, it is best to exercise caution and boundaries. Critical thinking and common sense come into play during spirit communication.

Ask yourself these questions when dealing with ANY being:

  • Is a specific name given? If so, do all the accounts with the name (if there are any) match what is being told?
  • Is the being really all powerful? Can it instantly make anything happen? Alternatively, if it is all powerful then why is the world not perfect according to every living person?
  • Can the being make themselves known to you without infantilizing or insulting you for asking?
  • Essentially, what limitations does this being put on itself? If it was all powerful it would be able to do anything you ask, and not redirect your attention elsewhere.

Remember that it is you who have power over yourself, no matter the situation. You have the ability to decide what you wish to do with the situations presented, not some godly presence. Any being who tries to take away your free agency, and wants you to submit to them, is not interested in your growth but your servitude to them.

Stay strong and keep growing.

-Arachnia Stoneskull

Photo Credit: Seeking Credit

Magickal Backlash: Prevention and Tips (Part 2)



The previous article that I wrote, Magickal Backlash: What Causes It , addressed the different types of backlash that one may experience. This piece will focus on how you can prevent backlashes.

How to Prevent Backlash

One of the necessary techniques in your workings is going to be preventing the magical backlash that may occur. Here are some things you can do to prevent backlash, or chaos.

  1. Circle. The purpose of creating a circle is threefold; protection, amplification, and creating a bridge between worlds. There are some practitioners that don’t use circles when summoning. I think that this should only be attempted by adepts that deeply understand how summoning works, and has experience with the beings they are calling. Without this experience, you may have problems such as infestation of entities, or even a possession. Some people can deal with reversing this, while others actually make peace with it.
  2. Breaking the Circle. Once, in a spiritual group, we decided not to release our circle just to see what would happen. We didn’t meet for about three weeks, and everyone’s life was messed up. We had the worst luck. When we released the circle at our next meeting, everything returned back to normal. This happened too when I watched a video on a ritual for Lucifer and the magician did not open the circle; the video just stopped at the end of the body of the ritual. I had to release the circle myself, but I had mistaken a deity that I called in before watching the video as the same one in the actual ritual. I had the other deity cause trouble for me for about a year until I figure out who They were.
  3. Correct Titles. Titles, which are type of correspondence, can be very tricky – especially if there are many deities/entities that share the same title. For example, there are many Ba’als, Lucifers, Esophorous’s, Satans, and Queens of the Dead. It is better to call on a specific deity, or learn the proper correspondence for a particular deity/entity. You don’t want to call on the wrong deity and have different results than you expect. You can also make clear your intentions and ask that They forward your request to the correct deity/entity if necessary.
  4. Linguistics. Knowing the root and history of a word can be vital for your ritual to work well. Some deities/entities use the original meaning of a word, instead of the current evolution or slang of the word. These entities do usually know what they are doing, so they get the better end of the bargain. It also helps if you know more archaic words that have more specific meaning than current vocabulary. There are some deities and entities that are in the know about slang and will still be cooperative when called in vernacular language. However, there are some that have a more serious personality and prefer archaic words. I think this is why original material and texts for research on a being are important. I also think it is important to word things carefully, as some words have evolved to have opposite meanings and an entity/deity will take advantage of that. I would suggest, which also includes a link to a thesaurus.
  5. Naming the Right Target. Naming a target can be crucial in some spellwork, especially in healing. However, there are times, even when we’re absolutely sure that someone sent a curse, or did us wrong – it is not them. I always advise that in situations where the backlash will be especially painful, to just set the parameters of a spell for anyone that hits it. I also suggest if you do this, to ask for a sign that someone has done something against you. This way you know the truth. I have found out people I wouldn’t ever suspect of hurting me were not true friends, and were actually working against me.
  6. Judge the Target’s Magick Ability. I can not stress this enough, but THERE ARE BIGGER FISH IN THE SEA THAN YOU. It’s why I try not get involved in witch wars or drama. I have seen a lot of people say they can command an army of demons, or are the most powerful beings in the universe, but are braggarts and liars. It is not a contest to see who is stronger, though many witches try that tactic to see how powerful you are. I would assess the person by their knowledge, who they know, and looking at their third-eye. You would be surprised how many people don’t actually have an ounce of magick in them, but people believe they do. Usually those that are powerful do not brag about it, and usually prefer to avoid drama. They also tend to put up a shield that renders their abilities nearly invisible. You may also want to consider if the person belongs in a coven, then get to know how powerful each member is. They may or may not be more powerful than you, but they can still cause inconveniences for some practitioners when a coven brings their talents together.
  7. Personal Shields. This is very useful. In doing this, you are taking the initiative in preventing anything from hurting you. Personally I prefer a neutralizing shield that completely stops any energy or spells thrown at me. You can learn more HERE.
  8. Neutralizing Circle. I like to shield my house, too. I treat my house as a temple, as such I don’t want anything dirty or negative in it – but especially, I do not want anything working against me in my house. I would suggest that you try a neutralizing circle around your house (though technically it is a sphere). This way the energy does not effect anyone else. If you like, you may “capture” the energy for later use after it has been neutralized.
  9. Set Parameters in Workings. You may use this technique to draw something or someone to you. You may also use it as protection both defensively and offensively. What you may do is only limited by your imagination. Setting spells with a set of instructions will prevent and protect you and those you care about.
  10. Learn Correct Correspondences. In the other article I touched on this and gave some examples. This is important. If you use the wrong correspondence your working may not be as powerful, or it may not happen at all. Some entities and deities get offended by the wrong correspondence, too. There are many correspondence books out there. Beware that some are not good, and others are outstanding. You may ask for recommendations from other practitioners, as more experienced practitioners know which books are good for ritual.
  11. Learn Your Deity. There are a lot of people that mix up deities, or try to stretch the similarities of a word or foreign deity to fit in their way of thinking. I warn against this. There are some deities that seem similar, but are two different beings. An example would be Babalon and Lilith – they are two very different beings. I also found that the Greek gods that are mashed together with foreign deities are very testy and not very cooperative. They sometimes tend to cause problems. I have surmised that this may be because the original deities were two very different beings, such as Athena-Neith. I would also find out which deities get along, and which ones don’t. It’s not going to be productive if the two deities are warring. To find more mythology from the original source try
  12. Consider Alternatives. Instead of cursing, maybe bind or consider a Magickal No Contact Order. You may also consider healing what is making the person toxic, versus doing a karmic spell. It’s thinking outside the box  that prevents any nasty backlash.
  13. Don’t Start Drama. This is one that I see a lot. We’ve all been in a situation where we start drama. In fact, I would say our magick community sometimes thrives on drama. This drama seems to escalate and curses are thrown. Instead of taking the bait just ignore or find a way to cut off the person/s. By not getting involved, you don’t have to worry about the instability of many practitioners.
  14. Ignoring. The best way to avoid situations and taking the bait is to ignore a person. Many people are looking for admiration or competition. I find that ignoring such people diminishes their power and vampirism. In this case, as in the case of drama, I would see about getting protection through a law oriented deity. You just have to keep your nose clean and not start anything that isn’t deserved. It’s some of the best protection that you can get.
  15. Remember Your Obligations. When you have an obligation to a deity or entity, they tend to get annoyed when you don’t fulfill it. Whether it is keeping altars, or honoring them on their days, there are many ways that we are asked to fulfill our obligations. There is usually some understanding when there is illness or an emergency, but they will collect their energy exchange regarding obligations.This also includes obligations to a coven, another witch, or anyone that you have made a promise to in some fashion.

This general overview should help when making decisions and going forward with your workings. Critical thinking is always the most important aspect of our practices, along with careful review. I am leaving some resources that have helped when casting spells. Hail Thyself and Thy Intelligence.

Resources: (You can usually find sources at the bottom of the page for more in depth research)

-Arachnia Stoneskull

Photo Credit: Seeking credit

Magickal Backlash: What Causes It? (Part 1)



Magickal backlash is a common event for many practitioners, and can cause problems in one’s daily life.

Sometimes it needs to happen in order for us to get what we need, other times it is something that can be avoided with the right techniques. This article will focus on what is necessary blowback and what is not. I will give you some tips for better rituals to help with backlashes in the next article.

Necessary Backlash

There are times that we have unexpected events from ritual. It may be good or bad. I don’t believe that Karma and the Rule of Three is applied at these times. I believe in action and consequences, and feel that a practitioner must accept the consequences of whatever magic, summoning, or energy that is sent out during a ritual. We can’t always know what the action of these consequences are until they happen. For example, you may send out a spell to destroy a person – it may work, but in the end the person cursed may become better for it, and eventually thrive.

Here’s a list of things that can count as necessary or typical backlash that may happen when doing ritual.

  1. Justice. There are certain beings that their price to work with you is to do a type of cleansing. This may require that if you did similar things as the person you are asking for retribution against, then you may experience the same curse until your “karma” has burned off. The curse may not work if you have the wrong person, or they are found innocent. One being who will do this is Hekate. The deities/entities that are representatives of Eternal Law must follow it, in return you must accept this.
  2. Growth. Many practitioners ask for a better life, a better partner, a better job, etc. Sometimes when we ask for things to be better, we are introduced to troubles and mayhem in our life. Usually this feels like a curse. Some people lose their job, home, or even their family. This is to help your growth, and usually your life will right it self for the better. If you resist though, there is a possibility that things may go wrong until you allow for certain events to happen and you take control of your life and situation.
  3. Making Room. Similar to growth, it may cause chaos in your life until you accept it.  It’s similar to clearing junk out of your house. This may happen if you banish, bind, or cut cords with a person – chaos in your life is going to rearrange your relationships before settling down.
  4. Payment. Despite the belief that many people don’t owe anything to the deities or entities that they work with, there is always an energy exchange of some kind. While incense, cakes, wine, even blood may entice a deity/entity to be summoned, this is not the final payment. They may require more worship by working with them more often, have you tell others of them (spreading their “fame”), but more likely than not they want you to do a favor for them. These are all types of an energy exchange. I have learned that it is easier to find out the details before agreeing on a payment. They all require an equal exchange of what you are asking. Whoever you are working with will acquire their payment, even if it is later on. Your life may be in chaos until the payment is made.
  5. Wording – You Get What You Asked For. This is a difficult one, because it is similar to a preventable backlash – except you do get what you ask for. For example, I told Hekate that I didn’t want Her help, because I wanted to stand on my own two feet and didn’t want to use Her. This did not sit well with Her. I lost my friends, family, and community – even my Guardians were not allowed to help in a lot of areas in my life. I have since then apologized, and told Her I do need community and help. I meant well, and received exactly what I wanted, but it was not the intended outcome. It taught me a lesson in humility and the need for community – but it also taught me my strengths and weaknesses. This was an unexpected outcome, but I did get what I asked for.
  6. A Deity/Entity/Energy is Already Involved in the Situation. There are situations where a person either asked for something, or has cast a spell, and wants it reversed. While there are safe ways to reverse certain spells, some need to run their course. When we interfere with workings that need to run their course, we can sometimes receive a backlash . This especially happens if we cast another spell that is doing the opposite of the original ritual without reversing or dispersing the first working. Be aware that some people have cursed themselves, or are cursed from another person, or even a deity. This is a lesson for everyone involved, and is something that is not preventable. If you become involved and make a decision to do whatever it takes to reverse a spell that needs to run its course, you need to accept the consequences. It is possible to reverse these types of spells, but to do it prematurely can take great sacrifice. From personal experience, I can tell you it is rarely worth it. This is because the person didn’t learn their lesson; they will be ungrateful and even start blaming you for all their woes. My best advice is once you realize what is going on to walk away, even if it is friends or family. The spell will run its course, and when the specifications are met the spell then it will disperse.

Preventable Backlash

There is backlash that can be avoided. Here are some types of backlash that may be avoided.

  1. Wording. Wording is very important. Sometimes how you word a spell will effect it differently than you expected. For example, you may ask for a car that runs and will be low maintenance. What you may end up getting may not be a new car, but a junky looking car with all the specifications. The same goes for love spells; if you ask for a handsome lover that has passion and money, you may get a man that has other women on the side. Or it may be short lived. You just never know, so I would suggest being more specific.

    Also, there are some words that mean something different in the past than what we use now. You may want to look in a dictionary or thesaurus for the history of a word. The linguistics of a word can make all the difference in your spell, especially if the deity/entity was from a certain time period.

  2. Romantic/Sexual Spells. This one can be tricky, and why I don’t do sex and love spells on a specific person. There are many things that can happen. It can be successful and both parties are satisfied with each other, or it may end in disaster where one party doesn’t want to be in a relationship any more and the other partner does. It can be either the spellcaster or the other person that does not want to break off the relationship. There is a possibility that it may lead to stalking or abuse on the partner that doesn’t want the relationship. When you cast a love spell, you may cast it on yourself – especially if it something you strongly desire. We all can cast the spell of love on ourself when we really want it.
  3. Wrong Target. Sometimes you may use the wrong target in your ritual. Depending on if you called a being related of law, or a justice, they may not choose to help and even collect retribution on the practitioner calling them. Also, some people have such beings working with them, so they have protection or warnings from these beings. This has happened to me when a coven asked Samael for unwarranted retribution, and they ended up with the consequences. This is also why I would check out a person’s motive, and consult with my guides, before joining in on a spell.
  4. Return to Sender. There are people that know there is a curse put on them, or they may do regular banishing. One way to banish things is to return it to the person that sent the curse or the entity. It is unfortunate that many people mistake a return to sender as an attack on them, when it is an actual an attack on theirself. One way you can identify a return to sender is that like events that you have placed on another person begin happening to you. Some people can detect another’s personal signature, and may mistakenly believe that the other person has cursed them in return. There is a possibility that both parties do a return to sender to each other multiple times, and may end up building up and creating backlash for not just the practitioners involved, but also those around them.
  5. Using the Wrong Correspondence. There are certain correspondences that have gained power through belief. Depending on what tradition you belong to, or what type of spells you are doing, there are correspondences that work better than others for whatever you are doing. A popular correspondence is candle colors. For example, the color black is traditionally seen as evil, but black itself is the absence of color. Because it is absent of color, it makes for a great candle color to banish or exorcise entities. However, black in the Western philosophies is evil and denotes death (note that death is white in Eastern philosophy). If you are using Western magick , then black candles can be used to open gates to Cthonic planes, including the Underworld and the Abyss. This is also a popular candle color for general summoning of Cthonic deities (like Hekate, Samael, Azrael), demons (Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Ba’al), and the dead. (Note: These deities and entities do have specific colors, but that is for you to find out. Black, while used for summoning, is a basic color and is a lot more effective with other specific colors to the deity/entity.)

    Sometimes we do the wrong the correspondences. For example, I found that even using the wrong incense can call up different deities if they share titles. One such mistake is the calling on the Archangel/Deity of Lucifer with Jupiter incense. This will bring a whole another entity that I call Jupiter-Lucifer – the god Jupiter/Zeus. If you want to call in the rebel Archangel Lucifer, you would use Frankincense. I have also seen many people describe Lucifer with long white hair, blue eyes, and even a lightening bolt on the forehead, come to them as a lover or guide – this is actually Jupiter/Zeus (remember He loves to trick people into loving him, or for sex). Here is the only mention I have seen of Jupiter being called Lucifer before Venus (I am still looking for more substantial evidence), which helped me when I dealt with the wrong entity that created chaos on in my life:

  6. Unexpected Results from Intentions. Intention is very important. Like wording and details, it directs our Will in ritual and life. However, sometimes the result of our intentions, even if they are well meaning, may backfire. For example, I helped a woman send a healing spell to her son in prison. He was not receiving the healthcare he needed for an infection. After the spell, both of us were very ill for a few days. I knew that she had asked Hekate for justice and to punish whoever had set up her son for being charged with a felony. I found out later that even though she did not believe her son did it, that he was in reality guilty. The backlash came because she asked Hekate to punish whoever did the crime, and we were essentially going against the spell she cast by trying to heal him. This is also why I interview people now that want a curse removed, an entity banished, or an exorcism. Sometimes people get what they deserve, and it is not our place to help them, but let them learn.

I cannot express enough that no matter the outcome, we must take responsibility for our own actions. I have tried to reverse spells that I set with very strong parameters, or I have seen my curses actually benefit people that I despise. I have since then learned to accept the consequences of my actions. However, it has been a good learning experience. As the saying goes, “Practice safe hex!”

-Arachnia Stoneskull

Photo Credit:

Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes: How to Prevent Them and Protect Yourself



I admit that I am pretty amused when I see hexes and curses thrown around on the internet like confetti. Most people have no real power in sustaining a decent curse and it starves itself. Occasionally, there is the all out witch war. These are worrisome, and can spill over onto people that have nothing to do with the argument, but even then these wars seems to dissipate pretty quickly.

I have done several things to protect myself from these things. I won’t be discussing my more advanced magical practices, but thought I would share a few tips when it comes to curses and hexes.

What is a curse? It is something that is created to destabilize a person’s well-being magically and physically. Curses can come from anywhere, including our self. Yes, we can curse our self. This is why I don’t always recommend a “return to sender”. Double cursing one’s self is very unpleasant.

Here are some very simple ways to deflect and banish curses, jinxes, and hexes.

  1. Black Candle. When banishing energies that are created not only by emotions, but thought forms, I like to use the black candle method. You may dress the candle with anointing oils/herbs and scratch wards/sigils into the candle. If you are not that advanced, hold the candle in your hand, imagining the type of energy and intention you wish to instill in the candle. I like to place the candle in a central room with a lot of traffic, such as a living or dining room. After blessing the candle with intention, light it stating its purpose to banish. Then allow for it to burn completely out. Small candles work just as well as large ones, depending on how much negative energy has accrued in the house.
  2. Saging, Incense, Diffuser. Certain scents can “chase” away negative energy. Using any of these tools will help with neutralizing energy, but will not rid your house of entities or some thought forms.
  3. Sheilds and Grounding. The most useful techniques to know is how to shield and ground. Grounding helps with the emotional aspect of your body, while the sheilding protects you from being bombarded by thought forms and curses. My favorite types of shields include those that neutralize any energy that hit the shield, or those that have the curse roll off like teflon.
  4. Tinctures. These are potions and drinks that you can make to either take internally, pour, or spray to protect your space. I have used Florida Water, Entity Mace, and other tinctures for protection on the body, too. You can also use tinctures to enhance wards.
  5. Wards. These are symbols and sigils that can be used as protection and defense. There are many kinds of wards. There are wards for banishing, exorcisms, to keep away bad health, etc. I suggest doing wards on all portals. This includes doors, windows, toilets, drains, doorjambs/doorways, etc.
  6. Blessing. Blessing yourself, your house, and those you love can be a powerful protector against the common magician/witch. When you do a blessing, name the qualities you wish to bring into the blessing.
  7. Magical/Blessed/Consecrated Items. Many witches and magicians use consecrated and blessed jewelry or clothing for protection. This can include pendants, brooches, rings, bracelets, jackets, piercings, etc. Even tattoos can be consecrated for protection.
  8. Incantations/Rhymes/Mantras. This can be a very effective way to rid one’s self of curses and hexes, especially one’s we put on our self. I’ve known people that have had silly rhymes that were just as effective as a large ritual. This is because it is based on belief, will, and intent.

Armed with these basic techniques, you should be able to ward and defend yourself from curses and most other attacks. It is often said, where I come from, that the best offense is a good defense. This holds true even in magic. Remember to use magic responsibly and stay safe.

-Arachnia Stoneskull


Photo Credit: Seeking credit for artist.

Cord Cutting: Resetting Boundaries



Ever feel like you can’t get over a bad relationship? That you are consistently attracting what you don’t want in your life? Do you feel cursed, jinxed, or drained? Are there people that you wish would leave you alone permanently? These types of concerns can easily be relieved by doing a cord cutting.

What is a cord cutting? Cord cutting is releasing ties to people and situations that you do not wish to be involved with, allowing you to reset your boundaries with them. This is an easy way to relieve stress, but it does have after care that is just as important as the ritual itself.

This article will explain some reasons to cut cords and ways to cut the cords.

Why Cord Cutting?

Here are some reasons you may consider cord cutting:

  1. You feel drained around certain people.
  2. You want to leave a situation that causes problems and drama.
  3. A relationship no longer works for you, and is toxic for one or both parties.
  4. You have people, or an organization, that you no longer want to be associated with.
  5. You reach out to people. Cord cutting can be used similar to a cleansing. The purpose is to keep in contact only with those you wish to have in your life permanently.
  6. You need a fresh start. This include cords connected to a job, a living space, family, etc.
  7. You need to ritualistically disconnect from previous influences and entities. Deities don’t always allow for a cord cutting, though.
  8. To rid yourself of toxic behaviors and traits.

Here are some benefits of cord cutting:

  1. You will feel much better. This could include physical and mental symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, pain, etc.
  2. You will have more clarity in situations, so you can make healthier and better choices.
  3. You will be able to change a trait or habit easier.
  4. You won’t have to worry about repercussions of another person’s action related to magic. This is especially if you have bonded with someone, and they are making poor choices. This could include your students or friends.
  5. You will have a fresh start with your current relationships.
  6. You have control of who you let into your life.
  7. You can establish new boundaries with those who are friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers.
  8. It can help you establish a healthier routine for your physical and mental aspects of yourself.

How to Cut Cords

Now that you know what you can do with this versatile spell/working, it is time to think about a specific reason to do the cord cutting. After choosing a specific reason, then it is time to prepare yourself, and then do the ritual.

I am not going to write out a full ritual, but list the components. These are two rituals are both viable ways to cut cords.

Ritiual One: Cutting Cords with Physical Tools

Tools: Athame/knife; red cord/string/yarn (general color used to represent a cord); dragon’s blood incense (protection); use a white candle (for destroying/neutralizing energy).

  1. Prepare yourself. Make sure that you are in a stable condition, first of all. A cord cutting needs to be done with the least amount of emotion as possible. If you are in a good state of mind, take a ritual bath. You can find information on this here.
  2. Cleanse your Space.
  3. Draw the Circle. (This is optional, depending on your practice.)
  4. Call in the Four Quarters/Watchtowers. Then, if you wish, call in your guides and guardians.
  5. Call in deity. You will need to research deities that deal with balance, then use one to call into the ritual.
  6. State your purpose. Explain succinctly why you are doing the cord cutting.
  7. The ritual. You will take a red cord and hold it in one hand (your non-dominant hand). Visualize the cords you wish to cut, using the physical cord as a representation for all the cord/s you are cutting. When you can feel the energy in the cord, declare that you are cutting the chords for the reason you previously stated. Then take the athame and fill it with a cutting energy.  Cut the cord. Next take the cut cord, and imagine that all the cord/s you attached to it are dissolving while you burn them over the white candle.
  8. Healing. There are many ways to heal yourself, and this is one of the things you must do after a ritual like this. Cord cutting is like doing surgery on your soul/ethereal body. Use whatever method of healing you are comfortable with to fill up the “holes” left by the cords.
  9. Communion. This is when you generally give an offering to the deity, if you haven’t in the beginning. It is also the time to do cakes and ale if you commune with your deities this way.
  10. Thank and Release Deity.
  11. Thank and release your guardians and guides; then thank and release the Quarters/Watchtowers.
  12. Release the Circle.


Ritual Two: Energy Cord Cutting

Tools: Incense (optional)

  1. Do step 1-3 from Ritual One. You may call in the Watchtowers, if it helps to make you feel safer.
  2. State your purpose. This is optional, but it helps to establish what you are doing and why. This helps to signal to the mind that you are doing a ritual.
  3. The Ritual. This is all about using your power. You may use an athame to help visualize the cutting of cords. You will go through your whole body, cutting the cords, or gently removing the hooks from your ethereal body. I prefer the latter – it is more gentle and not as much healing is needed. Check your body when you are finished in order to make sure you pulled out all the cords you need. Either during or after cutting/pulling a cord, then hold it/them in your hands and generate a burning light to dissolve them permanently.
  4. Healing. You need to fill in all the “holes” with your personal energy, or you may use healing energy to fill the “holes” in.
  5. Follow steps 9, 11, and 12 from Ritual One.

After Care

General magic hygiene is all that is needed for aftercare. Magic and meditation should be put on hold for at least 48 hours. Regarding the people you cut cords with, you need to have absolutely no contact with them for at least 72 hours. This includes texts, social media, phone conversations, etc. If you contact the person, then you may establish a much stronger bond. Sometimes reestablished bonds cannot be broken without intervention of a coven, or at least several seasoned practitioners.

You may also follow the general aftercare for exorcisms, since this is a type of exorcism. You can find more information about that type of aftercare here.

This is a powerful tool for any practitioner to learn. However, you may do it as often as you need, just follow the aftercare instructions.

Be responsible and stay safe.

Arachnia Stoneskull

January 20, 2018; 8:56 A.M.

Photo: Searching for Credit

Exorcism and Aftercare (Banishing, Exorcism, and Possession, Part 6)



Now that you’ve assessed the situation, and there is no real progress – even with the host wholeheartedly changing habits – then it’s time to do an exorcism. By now the entity should be somewhat weakened through the efforts of the host to cut off its feeding source.

This article will focus on a brief discussion about exorcism and the aftercare. I have not included any exorcism rituals, because it varies from each magical and religious practice – and it is extremely dangerous when done by someone that has no experience. If you have done the assessment and do not have the experience, you should get a hold of an expert who can perform the exorcism safely.


Usually when exorcisms are mentioned, movies like The Exorcist come to mind. The symptoms and actual exorcism are usually not so dramatic. If properly done, there will be almost no pain or damage to the host. It is normal for the host and exorcist to be fatigued after the ritual.

If the host is contorting at all, you may need to take a different approach than a traditional exorcism. Contorting and pain can mean one of two things: the entity has stepped outside the host and you are rending the actual soul of the host, or the entity has already began the final stages of assimilation. However, the most common reason for pain and contortions is that the “host” was never possessed in the first place. If this happens, I would suggest getting someone that can physically see entities, so they can tell if there is an entity attached, or if mental illness is really the cause of the host’s afflictions.

Again, if you are not experienced, do not attempt an exorcism!

There is a lot of preparation for a successful exorcism and banishing. The reason I am not including these is that this article is for information, not a how-to on an activity that I think only seasoned and experienced practitioners should consider.


Aftercare is important and not just for exorcisms, but after any heavy ritual or banishing. I am including this for those that perform exorcisms already. I find these suggestions also can also prevent, or lessen, a possession without the help of an outside source. I suggest all these be done for about 90 days (or three Full Moon cycles): but no less than from the time the exorcism occurred, plus the time from the next Full Moon to the next complete Full Moon phase after that. This will be 28-45 days depending on when the next Full Moon pinnacle occurs. [For example, if the exorcism is performed at the pinnacle of the Full Moon, that is at the minimum 28 days of aftercare. If it occurs 8 days before the pinnacle of the Full Moon, that is a minimum of 36 days.]

Salt Bath/Shower: This is a very simple and effective way to ground yourself each day. Grounding is important for prevention and caring for your physical body. All you need to do is add Epsom salt into your bath water (though some people prefer sea salt). If you only have a shower, add salt into a mesh bag. Jewelry bags or tea bags work well. You can add herbs and oils, if you choose. I do this every night; not only does it ground me, but it also makes my skin soft.

If you choose, you can bless the water. Remember to thank the water when you drain it after the ritual bath.

A simple blessing or spell could go like this:

“I bless this water to remove all blockages and energy keeping me from achieving my goals. So Shall I Will It.”

“I bless this water to protect my body, mind, and spirit. So Mote It Be.”

“I bless this water for [whatever you want to bring to you] in the name of [deity you choose]. So Mote It Be.”

These are just some examples of blessings in different formats based on belief. The first would be power from within, while the last is from a power outside of yourself. Feel free to explore different methods and blessings, as we all react differently to certain types of spells.

Sigils and Wards: After an exorcism, the host will be weak. One way to help prevent another entity invasion at this time is to wear and draw sigils on the body. You will need to do this every night before sleeping, and every morning when first awake. This protects the person who was the host. It also garners energy every time it is used, helping it’s efficacy regarding protection. There are many types of protection sigils. You can even channel or make one of your own to infuse power into. For example, I have one that I was shown from the Archangel Samael that is extremely effective. I use His sigil for both wards and protection. I also use His sigil to compel beings to leave a location or vessel.

Circle or Protection Around Living Area: This is another precaution in order to prevent minor entities from entering the home, so that they can not take up residence while the person is recovering. This is a personal choice, as not everyone likes having circles around their living space due to the type of magickal practices and beliefs. To learn more about circles, you can read my article Sacred Spaces and Magickal Circles.

Circle the Sleeping Area: This is an imperative step. Even if the person who was afflicted does not like circles, this precaution needs to be done. This provides two-fold protection while sleeping. First, this keeps out entities from trying to crawl into the body while it is vulnerable. Second it prevents entities from “riding” back with you when returning from dreaming or astral walking. This step I definitely suggest for the three complete cycles of the Full Moon.

Counseling/Medication/Help with Addictions: Because you have determined the cause of what attracted the entity in the first place, the best source of prevention is to change habits so that it won’t attract a similar entity. Whatever attracts entities that can possess a vessel is that person’s true source of weakness. These traits and habits will need to be worked on and maintained to prevent another possession.

Counseling, medication, and getting help with emotional regulation or addiction, is one of the most effective ways to help the afflicted.

Note: If you have suggested this, and the person chooses not to do this, then walk away. They most likely will attract another possession if an exorcism is performed. Until a person shows true change, they will not be stable enough to protect their own physical vessel.

Hydration and Diet: This is another important physical aspect, along with enough rest. When we don’t eat right, or don’t drink enough liquid, our bodies and immune system become weakened. This includes drugs such as alcohol, weed, methamphetamine, DMT, and other chemicals that drastically change our body and mind’s perception. Water is very important, as it not only helps to flush out the body, but a dehydrated person can have hallucinations. Hallucinations may open a “portal” and possibly allow entities or thought forms into the physical vessel.

Rest: When your body and mind are tired, rest. Without rest, again the body can weaken and hallucinations can occur. You want the ex-host to be as physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually strong as possible.

Balancing the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual: I call the four important aspects of self “houses”. The four houses are the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These “house” different aspects that are required for a healthy vessel and soul. All of these houses are connected; when one is focused on more than the others, or there is neglect, all of the houses suffer from imbalance. I would suggest exercise, learning, and some sort of spiritual practice that doesn’t include an induced trance state. You will also want to take note of your emotions and learn to cope with difficult situations, as the mental and emotional houses are closely tied to each other. This also includes learning more about yourself so that you can change habits or learn coping skills. A good foundation of self is one of the best preventatives.

Set Boundaries: A possession is an invasion of the physical vessel. This can leave a person feeling out of control, or powerless. Setting boundaries is not only a great way to feel empowered, but it can help in your interpersonal relationships, too. I would suggest using these boundaries to cut out toxic relationships in your life that may cause stress, or make it harder to resist habits that can leave you open to possession and sickness. I would also suggest finding new friends that align with healthy living and relationships – ones that are supportive. A support group for the person afflicted will really help with their recovery physically and emotionally.

Do What You Love: Engaging in healthy, positive activities also helps a person with their self-esteem and their attitude. Go do art, go dancing, learn a new skill, spend more time with family – do what makes you happy! This will generate a type of energy that discourages a lot of entities that want to take full possessions. It also boosts the spiritual immune system, while encouraging mental and emotional wellness.

NO MAGIC OR MEDITATION: Do not participate in anything that requires an altered state of mind. This opens one’s self up like a portal, especially when a person is weakened after an exorcism. There should be no magickal workings or meditation for three complete Full Moon cycles. Doing so can cause a lot of problems if you choose to continue practicing certain conscious-altering techniques. If you pray, keep altars, smudge/sage, bless (only yourself), or ground yourself, these techniques are approved. No ceremonial rituals, channeling, meditations that induce altered states of mind, no summoning, etc. should be performed during this time.

Proper aftercare and support is not only preventative, but also can help with positive life changes. You may use the aftercare section any time you feel that you need a break or feel spiritually lost, too. By taking the proper precautions, the host should be able to completely heal and possibly surpass previous health expectations.

-Arachnia Stoneskull

June 10, 2017 7:00 p.m.

Found at

The Interviewing Process (Banishing, Exorcism, and Possession, Part 5)



The interview is one of the most important steps when first meeting a client about a potential possession.  Interviewing the person who claims to be afflicted will help you see the bigger picture of what is going on, and help determine a plan of action. This may also act as a reassurance if they are not truly possessed, and just need to receive help. Most of the people you will interview will not be possessed, but will be dealing with delicate issues such as mental illness. After the first interview you’ll also want to do another before an actual exorcism or banishing.


One of the most important steps before performing a banishing or exorcism is to interview the host or the afflicted. The reason this is important is that it will help determine when the event first occurred, what possible type of entity they have attracted, why the entity is attracted to the host/afflicted, and if it is something you should interfere in. Regarding the last subject, as humans we have an ego; we tend to believe that anything we decide shouldn’t be in our personal space should be destroyed. This attitude seems to carry over in many people’s magical practice. However, there are times that your interference brings the same calamity on you. No human is greater than high ranking entities or deities. This is ego and will land you in bad situations. It should also be noted that entities will not simply go away because you decide to deny their existence.

Conducting an interview must be taken seriously. It is vital that you gather all the information that you can regarding the subject. You will need to assure the interviewee that you are not there to judge them. As the interviewer you need to make sure the interviewee is as comfortable as possible. Your job is to get as much information as possible in order to decide if you need to perform a safe and quick exorcism or banishing – or if there are additional steps to take.

Here are some ways to relax the interviewee(s):

  1. Make sure they have something to drink. Hot drinks without caffeine seem to calm most people. If you need, make sure there is some toast, or bread, in case they need to ground during the interview. If they pass out or look pale, offer them the bread and a glass of water with a little bit of salt in it.
  2. Make sure the seating is comfortable.
  3. Assure them that all information is confidential (and keep it confidential). Remember that although this is an investigation, it is not an interrogation. The questions you will be asking are very personal and may reveal involvement in illegal activity (such as drugs). One of the most important traits of a practitioner is integrity, which includes not divulging personal information of others.
  4. Come prepared and act professionally. If you come across as an amateur, this will make the interviewee nervous and question their choice. If you have the supplies to at least do a cleansing, especially before an interview, you are showing that you know what you’re doing and are willing to help.

After making sure the interviewee is relaxed, then you will need to investigate the symptoms (including strange events), when and where it first occurred, events that happened before and around the first suspicions, and also their habits. Once you have this information, you may want to do walk through of the interviewee’s personal space with their permission.

If there are certain habits or traits, like drug and alcohol use, depression, behavioral issues, etc., you will want to suggest that the afflicted change these habits, and even encourage them to go to programs or a professional that can help. The reason you are suggesting this is to cut off the suspected food source. There are some possessions and obsessions that will leave if they are not receiving the energy they need. If the afflicted has worked on these traits (give them 3-6 months after your initial visit and suggestions) and they still need an exorcism, it will be much easier. If they are still in the same place and still continuing with certain behaviors, you should decline to help. This is very important, because if they have not changed, taking out a possession or an obsession may hurt the host or make them more susceptible to a worse possession. When you take out a possession, the host is weak. It is harder to fight off other entities (this is why there is aftercare), and it will be easier for something else to slip into the host a second time.

It is the responsibility of the person assessing and performing the exorcism to make sure the host is ready for a ritual. If the person afflicted will not change, or wants a quick fix, then you need to have the courage to walk away – no matter how much you want to help. I’ve learned the hard way that people who are not willing to change will tend to repeat the same behaviors over and over. It can also become a problem if you offer to help someone and they blame you for their affliction, or for making it worse. Your reputation as a magical practitioner depends on the success of your public practices.

There are times the assessment will bring up harsh truths – such as a possible punishment or part of a contract. This goes more into the ritual aspect, but sometimes it happens because a witch or magician was disrespectful or does not fulfill their part of a bargain. When this happens, do not get involved at any price. These are the types of possessions that will transfer to anyone that helps. No matter how much “power” you think you possess, you will not be an exception. In this case, state your assessment and suggest that they make right with the beings they have angered. Then walk away and don’t communicate with them until they have righted their wrong. Unfortunately, these are usually done to people that will not listen and are convinced that they are immune to the consequences of their actions.

The next article will focus on a brief discussion of exorcism and the aftercare of the host.

-Arachnia Stoneskull

June 4, 2017 2:29 P.M.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock





Ritual Possession: Evocation versus Invocation (Banishing, Exorcism, and Possession, Part 3)




There are many ways to attract an entity and start the process of possession. I will briefly touch upon some of the different possessions that occur during magickal practices and ritual, and the differences between invocation and evocation in this article. You may be surprised by what is considered a possession.

Evocation versus Invocation, and Ritual Possession

Knowing the difference between evocation versus invocation can make a huge difference in the intention of your ritual. If your intention is to invite an entity into your ritual, but only in the area you are working, that is evocation. Any time you invite an entity into your body during a ritual (this includes channeling), this is a type a of possession called invocation.

Some practitioners do not know the difference. Many are surprised when they have a partial possession, and to find that they had invited the entity within their body. The problem with invoking a deity or entity into yourself, is that the being is much more difficult to expel due to the fact they were invited in willing; even if the practitioner did not know what they were truly doing. This is also why you need to interview any person before doing an exorcism, because there are different channels to go through in order to exorcise an entity or deity that was given permission to inhabit the body of the person afflicted.

Another interesting phenomenon of “possession” is when a person has been working with their soul, sometimes referred to as Higher Guardian Angel (HGA), daemon, or the Higher Self. Occasionally a person’s own soul will possess the body. This is an interesting concept, because it is assumed by many people that we are always in tune with our soul’s wants and needs, but that is not true. Sometimes when we try to connect fully with the Eternal aspect of the Self, we are allowing for more than just information to be “downloaded” into our physical vessel. This is also why it is not always wise to do an exorcism – it is possible that it is the person’s own soul trying to communicate with the physical consciousness, which is resisting the connection in some instances. This is also why some exorcisms are so violent: the person performing the exorcism is literally trying to expel the person’s soul. Exorcising someone’s true soul can result in adverse side effects that effect the person’s well being. As I stated in the previous article, what may look like a possession may actually be mental illness, too.

This is why I would advise to find a true, unbiased, and non-egocentric soul seer before doing an exorcism. The person who is afflicted must be interviewed and be helped by mental health professionals before an exorcism should remotely be considered. If you notice someone blames one or two entities or deities on possession or obsession, then get a second opinion. There are infinite entities and most do not even care to interact with humans. Sometimes it is our own fear that creates problems, which is why you need a true soul seer to see where the problem lies.

Occasionally possessions and obsessions done through ritual or magick will stick around, and will not leave. This article will explain the types of possession that may be used during ritual. I will list a few of different ways that practitioners practice possession, as it is not clear all the time what a possession actually is.

Invocation Possession: This is the practice of calling in an entity, or deity, within yourself during rituals and ceremonies. The purpose of this is to give the being an anchor into this world through your body. The person who calls in the entity is now a temporary representation of the entity during the ceremony or celebration. Most of these that I have seen are partial possessions; meaning both the entity and host’s soul reside within the physical body simultaneously. The host normally has various states of control over their vessel in this state. However, there are rare times a full possession may occur. The host rarely remembers these experiences, but those involved notice a difference in demeanor and speech pattern of the host.

Some practitioners do not “release” the entity they called into them. This is a direct invitation for the entity to enter the host’s vessel at will. It is important to remember that when this happens, the host is never in full control. However, the host may feel they are in complete control, but also have acquired more power and abilities. These are borrowed, and as soon as the possession and signatures are removed, these powers and abilities will be removed as well.

Channeling Possession: Channeling is a common way to contact entities and deities, especially within the New Age and occult communities. The connection, once created, allows an entity to possess and speak physically through the host’s vessel. There are usually two ways to do this. The first is personal channeling – which is receiving messages through personal revelation. Usually in a solitary channeling the entity or deity speaks directly through the host mentally, though it sounds physical. It is an internal process versus external if others are present to hear a message. When channeling with others, the entity or deity usually takes full control, and the host’s soul is completely subjugated. This allows for the message to be recorded and witnessed by physical witnesses. This also helps the host, as the other participants can usually “push” the entity out of the host’s vessel if it won’t leave.

Like invocation, any time a practitioner channels, it is an open invitation for the entity to return. With the lower level entities it is easier to set a time limit, however, they may still leave a signature or “back door” in the host. A “back door” is a portal created within the physical vessel, usually through one of the main energy centers, but it can be located any where. Because a “back door” is a portal and the entity isn’t physically connected to the host, these can be nearly impossible to detect.

It also important to remember that many entities may come as Light beings, but are there to feed or deceive the host, and anyone present. This is most common with any entity that claims to be the ALL, part of a command center, or has a title like Lord, Director, Commander, YHVH, Ba’al, Lucifer, etc. These are all titles, not names, and the entity is attempting to deceive, feed, and control the host and any participants involved.

Portal Opening Possession: Opening portals is another possible way for a possession to occur. There are many types of portals, but these are the most common.

The first, and most important portals, to discuss is what I call personal portals. Many energy portals exist in the body. Most metaphysical practitioners refer to these centers as chakras. There are more than the “main” seven portals throughout your body . Different energy portals correspond with different types of “worlds” and abilities. When opening these centers during ritual, it is important to remember that there are some portals that have weaker defenses than others. These means there is a possibility that what we see, we may bring back. I call these Riders (some refer to them as hitchhikers), similar to the entities that follow back souls that have died and are revived back into their physical body.

Other portals that can pull through entities by using them are mirrors, scrying bowls, electronics, and objects associated with gateways and communication – like ouija and spirit boards.

Creating gateways for entities to cross over into this realm may also effect the practitioner who opened and anchored the gate. The person who is attached to the gate through their energy signature may create an attachment to certain entities that come through the opened gate.

Soul Possession: A soul possession is when you let the eternal aspect of yourself, what some call the soul, to have complete control of your body – or to channel that aspect of yourself. Since your soul contains all aspects of what you are, it may manifest as demonic or not carry the traits you present outwardly. It is still a reflection of your true self – even the parts you try to hide.

When calling in your soul, all your aspects may be expressed. If you have not done extensive Shadow Work, negative traits may express themselves and seem out of control. For some people, they mistake the parts of themselves that they cannot face for demons or outside possessions. This may even manifest as a poltergeist, or manifest similar to a demonic possession shown in the movies. These manifestations occur when there is a lot of guilt, shame, and regret that have attachments to the Shadow Self regarding the person showing expressions of a possession. In this case, I would suggest someone who actually sees souls to determine if it’s the person’s soul, or an entity. You will find many of those that express symptoms of “movie” possessions will deny that it is them, as they cannot psychologically accept that they are the fountain of their problems.

There are also some people that invite and welcome possessions. Please, respect the wishes of these people as they usually have a symbiotic, consensual relationship. It is none of our business, no matter how worried we are, to interfere with the life of others unless asked.

Next week I’ll discuss the different types of possession that are acquired without ritual. This will entail some sensitive subjects, but ones that need to be addressed.


-Arachnia Stoneskull


Photo Credit: Vintage photograph. Photographer and model unknown.

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