
Arachnia's Web


May 2016

Dangers of New Age Energy Shields



I have had the opportunity within the last five years to learn about the true Shadow that lies within the Self. This has not only been a lesson regarding my Shadow Self and my flaws, but also others’ darkness. It has not been pretty, and in fact has been extremely painful as I realized that people are not like me. Nor should they be, but I have realized our differences in Shadows requires the same struggle of breaking our own illusions, and occasionally needing help of others. I have worked hard with my Shadow Self to learn and gain the traits of honesty, integrity, and compassion. I had to temper those qualities with the foresight to know when to it’s merciful to cut ties, and how to set appropriate boundaries then carry out consequences. It has been a long journey, and I still have a way to go. Life is a never ending series of lessons.

Since beginning down the journey of Self and learning to connect my consciousness fully with my Higher Self, I have run into several reoccurring obstacles and lessons. The biggest is a social obstacle; one that I never imagined I would run into. Most of my life, when I physically interact with a group of people, I am very well liked. This could be because I genuinely like people and feel warm towards them. I also love to help others. However, in the last few years, I have had a startling wake up call regarding networking with those that claim to be witches or energy workers.

For the last couple of years the phenomenon of projection has been especially noticeable when reaching out to make friends with people that I felt were like myself. Many would be friendly at first, along with being thankful for any help they received, and would actively seek for advice regarding relationships and magic. Usually within a couple of weeks they would unexpectedly decide, based on little or no evidence, that they disliked me, and that I was going to punish them magically. These people accused me of the nastiest traits – those that other observers noticed the accuser carried, not me. I could not figure out why people thought so poorly of me, after talking with me, even though I would help them if they asked. I had several people call me a chameleon after I helped them, even if we both seemed genuinely interested in creating a friendship in the beginning. It was astonishing to me, and others that truly know me, that these people would project their Shadow on me, not realizing it was a true reflection of their Self. My actions and words were the opposite of what they expected to experience, and I think this threw them off.

I realized what was going on a few days ago, thanks to my roommate and a friend, who have recently been caught up in some drama that none of us instigated. In fact, I tried to diffuse the problem several times, with the backlash becoming steadily worse each time I interacted with this particular group of people. It was the same problem I have been encountering for years, that is to say, a person/group originally asks for friendship and perhaps needs help with mundane or magical things, then the person/group turns around accusing me of negative traits they possessed. As usual these actions were soon followed by actively causing trouble within our community to prove how “evil” and “deluded” I am – while every accusation was a signature Shadow projection others had observed in the accusers.

Let me start from the beginning. When I was a first degree priestess in a Wiccan temple, my High Priestess would frequently call me and tell me strange, dramatic stories of being attacked. She would then warn me to watch out, because I was her friend. She claimed I may be attacked just because we associated with each other. This went on several times, leading me to foolish, fear based protection spells. One personal shield she taught me during one of her “emergency situations” is one that many New Age energy workers use – the Mirror Shield.

A shield of mirrors is relatively easy to construct for those with a great imagination and who pay attention to detail. It is essentially a giant one-way mirror; a shield that can be used to reflected back negative energy to its source, but allows for you to still send energy out. This seems like a very good idea at first, since it returns negative energy and spells back to the sender. I didn’t question the consequences, as I felt my High Priestess was my friend, and had my best interests in mind.

Here is the dark side to this shield – some people see their own reflection, and think it’s a true representation of you. I have worked with mirrors, and my mirror work consists not only communicating with beings on different layers and traveling, but Self work and destruction of illusions. I have been working on myself and testing techniques so I can help others discover their True Will. The best way to do Shadow work, I have found, is mirrors. The danger in mirror work is that it can be constructive or destructive, depending if the practitioner is ready for Self work. The problem with my mirror shield is that while it did return to sender, those on the path of self empowerment were able to glimpse a picture of their True Self. This shield would activate if they tried to use spells, or seer seeing, to spy at my soul. I have programmed my mirror shield to do one of two things when someone spies; either diffuse the ‘attack’ (which means the observer will see me with no power as it hits the black ‘Teflon’ behind the mirror shield), or the mirror turns back on them as a reflection of their current Self, so they can’t discern my True Self (they only see a projection of their Self in that moment of time).

It also explained why when I let my guard and shields down to allow soul emanation, many people thought I created an illusion. I hid everything that only a true seer, or those that have worked through their Shadow Self, can see on first glimpse. It can be a very useful tool in seeing where people are at in their spiritual development, but I am finding a dangerous one.

All of this trouble came out of a simple mirror shield that a scared woman created at the suggestion of another frightened woman. This is a lesson for all – do research, experiment, and keep notes. Most importantly, question everything before attempting energy and ritual magick! Allow others to give constructive criticism without getting angry, and listen. Remember, other people are also mirrors to our Shadow Self, and can give us great insight.

If you can take anything away from today’s tale, I would hope that it is to not blindly follow others, work with your Shadow Self, and use critical thinking. Even the most benign of spells and magic techniques can be quite dangerous and cause unexpected negative results.

Keep it genuine, and Hail Self.

-Arachnia Stoneskull

Photo Credit: “For Simple Vanity by NightsongWS” ( )

As Above, So Below — Laws, Rules, and Protocol of the Realms (Part 2)



One of my favorite subjects is science. Though to some it may seem contradictory to magic and theism, I see them as different aspects of the same principles. Science is a great way to explain this plane and dimension of existence. It is the agreed upon rules of how all things act and react on this plane. It is a way of learning the workings of our universe; creating awe and beauty. It is also a great way to figure out how other planes operate.

“As Above, So Below” is frequently used to describe the other realms, and bringing in the manifestations through the veils of the worlds and materializing them into this one. These are some very basic laws, rules, and protocols to think about when working with the material and astral planes.

  1. Every plane of existence operates according to its own rules of science. What may work here, may not work on all planes, and vice versa. For example, when traveling the astral you may meet giant creatures that would collapse on their own weight, or would not be able to consume enough oxygen to breathe in this plane of existence. Winged creatures pose another dilemma; after all, how can dragons and angels fly when their physical appearance would be an improbable, if not an impossible, design that could not be supported by science in our plane? These are things to consider when working in this plane and different worlds. I would also advise that it is good to remember that while we may have the desire to fly, or shape shift, this is not possible in this realm of existence.
  2. Ground yourself in this reality. This goes along with number one. By grounding yourself in reality, you have more objectivity and wisdom when going about your workings. You will begin to understand what realistically can be done here compared to other planes of existence. This not only brings clarity and wisdom, but a strong sense of self and confidence.
  3. Cultures and worldviews are different. People and beings come from all different cultures and walks of life. Learning about cultures, languages, and worldviews on this plane goes a long way in communication, and using intuition correctly. It also helps to smoothly facilitate communication with all beings.
  4. Every person’s reality is different. This goes for all beings. Culture, racial/specie identity, life experiences, biology, ecology, etc., reflect greatly on a person’s worldview and actions. It is good to remember that intelligent beings can adapt to new and different environments, and even social situations. This means that while every person has a certain mode of operations, there are surprises if they are forced to react in a situation that puts stress on them. This goes for all beings.
  5. Learn to interpret metaphors and stories versus literal meanings. When dreaming, meditating, or speaking with entities, what we see and hear can either be metaphors or literal. We can only understand what our minds have seen, learned, or experienced. An example would be to have a dream of were you have wings and use them to fly to a destination. In this reality we cannot sprout wings and fly, but we may travel (whether by airplane or car) to a place we have seen in our dreams. Another great example is dreaming of pregnancy. This dream doesn’t always mean a person will become a parent, but may represent something a person feels is precious and wants to grow. This could be a project, a relationship, or a wish. The same applies when we are told stories or messages from entities (including angels). A good study on metaphors representing literal events and objects would be to read old prophecies, such as those prophesied by Nostradamus.
  6. As Above, So Below. What we say and do on this plane can effect us on all planes, and vice versa. Another meaning we could attach is to relate this phrase to events that have, can, or will happen in this plane; the other planes may mirror different stages of past and probable human events, places and people/beings depending on choices made in the material realm.

Having a clear head, staying grounded, and keeping an open mind allows you to move forward and accomplish your goals in the material world, and the spiritual realms, faster and with more ease.

-Arachnia Stoneskull


Photo Credit: “Moon Light Fantasy Landscape matte updated” by Scott Richard (rich35211),

Laws, Rules, and Protocol Part 1: Basics of Magick



The most important thing I have learned about magick and working with entities is that respect and boundaries go a long way. I have briefly mentioned this in a previous article, but feel it needs to be addressed again.

For those working with entities, or the energy of archetypes, there can be many pitfalls and falling outs with other beings due to misunderstanding. Most miscommunication can be prevented through research of proper correspondences. I suggest mythology, history, and old grimoires compared to the New Age and modern authors after Aleister Crowley and Kenneth Grant. Many of the modern correspondences have either been white washed, or even twisted with “new” and “modern” interpretations that have nothing to do with the being, or their energy signature.

For example, the Greek goddess Athena; She is seen today as a correspondence to empower women, especially in the arena of justice. Her original mythology actually states She sides with Her father, Zeus, on justice related matters. Zeus generally sides with males. So, what does this mean to a woman asking Athena for justice in a court case against a male (including divorce, rape, and murder)? It means the possibility of Athena siding with the male, and him winning. Especially if the male is military, because that is where Her bias lies.

However, I feel the most arrogant, and biggest fallacy, a practitioner can commit is the idea that they are more powerful than any entity. I have seen great misfortune come from hubris and pride. I have seen practitioners contract rare illnesses, have loss of libido and orgasms, physical misfortunes like broken bones, loss of property, have loved ones begin to die off, and series of events that have turned some people insane. These are forces of nature with a conscious that we are working with, not play things. This is why, even though we all start out somewhere, dabbling is not recommended.

Basic Etiquette

These are some basics that will help you with your practices more smoothly.

  1. Show Respect. I cannot emphasize this enough. Many beings/archetypes, though they operate in their true fashion, will sometimes allow wiggle room if you are respectful. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t stand your ground, or that you have to bow to every entity, it means you treat them as you would a guest, an elder, or a teacher. Don’t bargain down, don’t curse them, don’t try to capture or punish them, etc. Showing deference and respect goes a very long way with smooth communications and working with entities.

  2. Set Boundaries. Boundaries are very important, too. You may want to work with an entity, but you don’t want to be pulled into shenanigans, or treated like a slave. Respect works both ways, and a clear way to do this is to know yourself, then set boundaries. Know what you are willing to trade, or do, before making deals (you should have an offering regardless of whether the entity helps you are or not – this is payment for their time and energy). Also, if the entity is rude or overbearing, you have a right to be polite and firm, and let them know they are being disrespectful. Let the entity know you expect the same respect you have given them. If an entity is still abusive, dismiss them and don’t work with them. Remember to be polite, because word does get around (as above, so below – gossip works both ways), and that means that there may be some refusal to work with you, or that an entity/deity may exact punishment for your behavior.

  3. Research, Research, Research. Knowing correspondences can keep you out of a lot of trouble. I will write more, with examples, in another article. Know this, the older the mythology, the more that type of personality, from years of energy put into their cultural thought form, will reflect in the entity/deity. For example, some people see Hekate as a protector, but loving. For those that work with her, and have read the mythologies, loving is not an accurate description for her – dark, heavy, even frightening are the feelings conjured. Most goddesses, and even gods, have been whitewashed as loving. If you instead think of every deity and entity as their own force of nature – wild and unpredictable – you have a good start in understanding their behaviors. A being can only operate as dictated from the core of its True Nature.

  4. Know Thyself. This is extremely important. Your True Self also dictates your nature and how you act. This, along with your life experiences and biological functions, make up who you are and what you will tolerate. If you have been raped or abused, do not call on entities and deities that have a habit of doing this, especially if it is a trigger for you. If you know you gossip, have hurt people, or actively seek revenge, don’t call on deities to help with “karma”, until you’ve changed your own. You may not like the payment and backlash. Self examination and feed back from friends with integrity is a great way to accomplish this. However, you will need to grow a thick skin for honest and constructive feedback, or you may erroneously view it as an attack on your character. Instead, think of it as a consideration of how you behave towards people, and their perceptions of your actions.

  5. Communication. This is a great skill to learn, not just for magickal practices, but social situations. I would suggest learning about body language, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and psychology. You will find that you can avoid miscommunication and even establish strong relationships by learning these skills. Plus, networking on this plane, or the next, is a great way to facilitate goals and even fulfill emotional desires (which is a human biological need).

  6. Learn Another Language. This can be important and very helpful, as people from different cultures think very differently than our own culture. One way to experience this is through language. As language conveys thoughts, ideas, and emotions, it establishes a connection between two people. For an example of how language effects thinking and cultural values, let’s look at the word “love”. In some languages “love” is actually more than one word, each word describing specific kinds of love. Because the word is not all encompassing, it allows us to see that love is perceived very differently. There are also words in other languages, that we have no word for in English, that convey very specific and intricate ideas and emotions. Entities and deities work the same way. They do not feel, or communicate, the same as we do. Working with them has opened up new ways of feeling and thinking for myself, and others. Physically making an effort to learn a language and culture opens a practitioner up for new experiences, and the ability to establish a connection with those that are not similar to themselves.

  7. Work With Your Guides. You will learn more through your guides about protocol, laws, what entities/deities to trust and work with, and much more, than you will find in any book. Your guides have your best interests in mind, and will help you any way they can. Try practicing some of the exercises from the article, “Spirit Guides, Part 2: Communication”.

  8. Intuition. This can be tricky at first, because of bias. However, when your intuition is ‘spot on’ this can help you navigate through trouble areas in your spiritual practices, and when unexpected situations pop up during ritual. Again, know yourself, and realize that sometimes if your answer is too easy, or too good to be true, it may be desire and ego, not true intuition. Intuition, when honed, is a very powerful and useful tool under your magick belt.

Later in this series I will write more specific ways to enhance your communications and relationships with entities and deities. These basics are a great start. Practice them every day, not just during ritual, but also with other people. You will find that life goes smoother, and manifestation is much easier, when you have the respect and help of others.

-Arachnia Stoneskull

Photo Credit:

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